Subject:                          FW: Alberta Chemist: News from the ACPA - Winter 2013


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 Alberta Chemist 

  The Newsletter of the ACPA 

   Issue 04-13

Winter 2013   






Stay in touch with your fellow chemists! Join us on LinkedIn or Facebook.



2014 Annual General Meeting

The 2014 AGM has been booked for Saturday, May 3, 2014. The meeting will be held at the Executive Royal Inn Leduc-Nisku at the Edmonton Airport. Look for more information in spring.


Call for Nominations

Consider an exciting opportunity to help your Association by serving as a member of the ACPA Board of Directors. Five director positions are available for a three-year term.


The nomination form for 2014 is available on the bottom of the Board of Directors page on the ACPA website.


Nominations are now open and will close March 19, 2014.


Any nominations from the membership must be received at the ACPA office by March 19, 2014, together with the written consent of the nominee, who must be a member in good standing. Each nomination must be signed by at least three (3) members in good standing. The three sponsoring members may fax, mail or e-mail separate copies of the nomination sheet with their signature and the name of the nominee, if they cannot all sign a single copy. 


Election ballots will be issued by April 3, 2014.The new Board will be installed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 3, 2014.


Duties of a Director

  1. Attend Board of Directors meetings (typically 10 per year including a meeting on the day of the AGM). Meetings are normally teleconference meetings held on weekday evenings, with two in-person meetings per year held on Saturdays.  
  2. Inform the Secretary or the President if unable to attend Board meetings.  
  3. Promote the principles of the ACPA to the public.  
  4. Encourage qualified individuals to join the ACPA.  
  5. Participate in meetings and on executive committees carrying out designated tasks. Directors may also serve on various external committees that require representation by an ACPA Board member. Executive committees of the ACPA include the following:
    • Registration
    • Discipline
    • Practice review
    • Nominations and elections
    • Legislation
    • Technical seminars
    • Awards

The officers of the Board for 2014-15 will be selected from the new Board of Directors as per the ACPA Bylaws.


If you have questions about serving on the Board or getting more involved with the ACPA in other ways, please feel free to contact the ACPA Executive Director, Kathy Janzen, at for more information.



Are you looking for PDC credits for 2014?

A commitment to continuous learning is important for all professionals. Keep up your expertise with these seminars:  

Calgary - January 17, 2014

Edmonton - January 31, 2014

2014 Technical Seminars, AGAT Laboratories

Calgary - January 24, 2014

Edmonton - February 7, 2014


ACPA Board of Directors

Julius Pretorius has recently resigned from the ACPA Board of Directors. We thank Julius for his years of service on the Board.

Founding member, Kevin Dunn, has accepted a temporary appointment to fill the vacancy on the Board, as per ACPA by-laws. We welcome Kevin's experience and insight to our Board of Directors.




Job Postings

Did you know that ACPA now features a Jobs feed on our group page on LinkedIn? If you are an employer looking for a chemist or a chemist looking for employment, post your notice under our group job discussions.

Job postings are listed in the Careers page on the ACPA website. Please check this web page regularly for new postings that may have tight application deadlines.

Job advertisements are posted on the ACPA website for a three-month period. A $100 fee is charged for this service, but this fee will be waived for advertisements submitted by ACPA members in good standing (Professional Chemists or Chemists-in-Training) on behalf of their organizations. Ads may be e-mailed directly to the ACPA office.


The content of this newsletter is provided only as an information service to members. Inclusion of any information does not represent official positions, opinions or support of the Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta (ACPA), or its Officers, Directors, or staff members. The information is collected from a variety of sources and is circulated to the membership as information only. The ACPA does not guarantee that all submissions will be circulated and is not responsible for the accuracy of any information provided.

ACPA Office
P.O. Box 21017
Edmonton, AB  T6R 2V4
Phone: 780-413-0004
Fax: 780-413-0076