Subject:                          FW: Alberta Chemist: News from the ACPA - Fall 2013


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 Alberta Chemist 

  The Newsletter of the ACPA 

   Issue 03-13

Fall 2013   






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Memorandum of Understanding Signed


The ACPA has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the College of Alberta Professional Foresters (CAPF), the College of Alberta Professional Forest Technologists (CAPFT), the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists (ASPB) and the Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta (ACPA), agreeing to form a partnership whereby the collective organizations can pursue a more effective and sustainable model of professional regulation.


The foresters and forest technologists are merging which will require that the Regulated Forestry Profession Act be opened and modified. The chemists and biologists have been invited to consider this opportunity to merge with the forestry professions under one umbrella Act. 


The benefits to all four groups would include greater sustainability and economy of scale, increased communication and cooperation between the professions, better public accountability and consistency, and a much greater political voice. Mandatory registration, which the foresters and forest technologists already enjoy, would be extended to the biologists and chemists. Mandatory registration for chemists would mean that if you are educated as a chemist and working as a chemist, you must register as a member of the chemistry profession.


Various models are being considered for this potential partnership, from loose affiliations to a single organization similar to APEGA. Discussions are ongoing.      


Professional Ethics for Chemists


The ACPA course in Professional Ethics for Chemists will soon become a requirement for ACPA members. Starting in January 2014, all new members will have one year from when they receive their P.Chem. designation to complete their Ethics training. All current P.Chem. members have until the end of the calendar year of 2016 to obtain their ethics certificate. 


Other member categories are encouraged to take the Ethics training but are not required to do so at this time. The course will be required for the P.Tech.Chem. category in the future. 


About 50 current members just completed their Professional Ethics for Chemists course. Additional courses are being organized for Spring 2014.


Can you spare six hours over a six month period?


The University of Calgary Graduate Students' Association is looking for chemists for their mentorship program. Please see the GSA Mentorship Program Brochure for further information.



New Public Members Appointed


Under the Professional and Occupational Associations Registration Act, the ACPA Board of Directors must include two public members. These individuals are appointed by the Minister of Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education to represent the interests of the general public.


We would like to welcome our newly appointed Public Members, Kurian Tharakan and Ken Davies.




Kurian Tharakan is a sales and marketing expert with 27 years of experience in the creation and execution of sales and marketing strategy and tactical plans, and the creation of strategic alliances and partnerships. He also sits on the University of Alberta Senate. 





Ken Davies is a professional agrologist, business owner and Lloyd's London Correspondent on livestock insurance. Ken worked as the Registrar and CEO of the Alberta Institute of Agrologists for many years.


Both Ken and Kurian bring a tremendous amount of experience and expertise to our Board.



Finally, a heart felt thank you to Edith Cook, who served us well as our public member for the past six years.  


Save the Date - AGM 2014


Our 2014 AGM has been booked for Saturday, May 3, 2014 in Nisku.

Minutes from the 2013 AGM are now available on the ACPA website under 


Job Postings


Did you know that ACPA now features a Jobs feed on our group page on LinkedIn? If you are an employer looking for a chemist or a chemist looking for employment, post your notice under our group job discussions.

Job postings are listed in the Careers page on the ACPA website. Please check this web page regularly for new postings that may have tight application deadlines.

Job advertisements are posted on the ACPA website for a three-month period. A $100 fee is charged for this service, but this fee will be waived for advertisements submitted by ACPA members in good standing (Professional Chemists or Chemists-in-Training) on behalf of their organizations. Ads may be e-mailed directly to the ACPA office.


The content of this newsletter is provided only as an information service to members. Inclusion of any information does not represent official positions, opinions or support of the Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta (ACPA), or its Officers, Directors, or staff members. The information is collected from a variety of sources and is circulated to the membership as information only. The ACPA does not guarantee that all submissions will be circulated and is not responsible for the accuracy of any information provided.

ACPA Office
P.O. Box 21017
Edmonton, AB  T6R 2V4
Phone: 780-413-0004
Fax: 780-413-0076