Subject:                          FW: Alberta Chemist: News from the ACPA - Spring 2016



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         Chemistry you can trust.


 Alberta Chemist 

  The Newsletter of the ACPA 

   Issue 01-16

Spring 2016   






Our affinity partner, TD Insurance, is helping customers affected in Fort McMurray. If you have questions about your insurance coverage or would like to report a claim, contact 1-866-454-8910


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Stay informed! Stay in touch with your fellow chemists! 


2016 ACPA Annual General Meeting

The 2016 AGM was held on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at the Executive Royal Inn in Leduc, Alberta.

ACPA members elected John Crabtree, Mike Zhi Gao, Abdel Kharrat, Samuel Odemuyiwa and Sarah Stilson to the Board of Directors. As Court Sandau resigned from the Board shortly before the AGM, all five nominees were declared elected.

Members of the Board subsequently chose Abdel Kharrat as President - Elect and Mike Gao as Treasurer.

The membership approved the addition of a new section 14 to our ACPA Bylaws allowing for the provision of a Temporary Leave of Absence. Members also approved in principle an update to the definition of the Practice of Chemistry. The Board and the Practice Review Committee will be working on this over the next few months. The final version of the definition needs to be approved by Alberta Labour and by a final vote of the ACPA membership.

The draft minutes from the AGM business meeting are posted on our website under Minutes of the 2016 AGM.

ACPA members attend the 2016 AGM in Leduc.


Meet your new ACPA President

Don White, PChem

President, ACPA

It is my pleasure and honour to serve as President of the ACPA. For the many new members who may not know me, I previously served as ACPA President when the Professional Chemists Regulation was passed in 2001.

My career path has moved from analytical chemist and laboratory supervisor for Agriculture Canada to laboratory supervisor, technical sales rep and laboratory manager at an oilfield service company to technical manager, operations manager, facility manager and regional compliance manager for a hazardous waste management company. Now I work as a self-employed consultant.

I look forward to working with the ACPA Board and its Committees to prepare the Association for continued growth and future changes in our regulatory framework.



Professional Practice Standard for Wetland Science, Design and Engineering

Status Update

As of June 1st, 2016, Alberta Environment and Parks will begin to transition toward a requirement for professional authentication for regulatory documents submitted under the Alberta Wetland Policy. This is to provide assurance to Albertans that wetlands are being managed to the highest possible professional standard.



Have you registered for your Ethics Course?

All current ACPA members must take this course by the end of 2016. These are the last five Ethics courses that will be offered this calendar year.

 Friday, September 30, 2016 - Electronic attendance - Preference will be given to members who live outside of the province or in remote areas.


Frank W. Bachelor Award - 2016

Kevin Dunn, President, announces the winner of the 
2016 Frank Bachelor award.

The ACPA Frank W. Bachelor Award for Service to the Chemical Profession was established in 2004. This award recognizes outstanding volunteer contributions to the chemical profession in Alberta. The 2016 award was presented to J.H. (Joe) Schulz. 
Joe served as a member of the Registration Committee with Frank Bachelor since the inception of the ACPA. They worked together for many years to make the concept of achieving professional status for Chemists a reality. Joe continues to serve the ACPA for the betterment of our profession.



Congratulations ACPA Scholarship Winners - 2016

Kevin Dunn presents a scholarship cheque to Marissa Clapson.


ACPA Undergraduate Scholarship in Chemistry

Marissa Clapson (University of Alberta)


Arthur Bollo-Kamara Graduate Scholarship

Connie Ye (University of Calgary)


NEW Member Benefits

The ACPA has been working hard to identify some new member benefits.
Have you tried our Park'N Fly parking code yet? One of our members recently saved $18 on one week parking.

Park'N Fly Airport Parking is pleased to extend its corporate discount program to ACPA members. Members can use the discount code (#828974) for both 

business and leisure travel. If you travel frequently, you can save even more by joining the Rewards Program.

Visit our website for more information. Sign in to your account and view under Member Only Benefits.

Coming soon: 

We will be introducing a retirement benefit plan for members over 55 this fall. The plan will be offered through the Alberta Retired Teachers Association with open enrollment starting in September 2016. 

We will also be announcing a new Professional Liability Insurance plan through HUB International this summer.

Watch for more information!


ACPA Science Fair Awards


ACPA Alberta Chemist Award - Edmonton

Project: "Appliquer or ne pas appliquer... C'est la question"

Students: Caitlin Sandilands & Hannah Veinot

School: Sir George Simpson Junior High


ACPA Rick Dillen Memorial Award - Edmonton

Project:  "Cleaning Up the Oil Spill Using Nanotechnology"

Students: AbishekReghuram & Anikit Raju

School: Aurora Charter School



ACPA Alberta Chemist Award - Calgary

Project: "Importance of DDXXXE in HIV1 Protein"

Students: Emily Gubski

School: Sir Winston Churchill HS


ACPA Rick Dillen Memorial Award - Calgary

Project: "Inhibition of LDH in the Warburgs Effect"

Students: Cindy Zhang

School: Sir Winston Churchill HS



ACPA Alberta Chemist Award - Lethbridge

Project: "TeintureAlimentaire"

Students: Éloïse Amos

School: École La Vérendrye


Job Postings

Job postings are listed in the Careers page on the ACPA website. Please check this web page regularly for new postings that may have tight application deadlines.


Job advertisements are posted on the ACPA website for a three-month period. A $100 fee is charged for this service, but this fee will be waived for advertisements submitted by ACPA members in good standing (Professional Chemists or Chemists-in-Training) on behalf of their organizations. Ads may be e-mailed directly to the ACPA office.


The content of this newsletter is provided only as an information service to members. Inclusion of any information does not represent official positions, opinions or support of the Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta (ACPA), or its Officers, Directors, or staff members. The information is collected from a variety of sources and is circulated to the membership as information only. The ACPA does not guarantee that all submissions will be circulated and is not responsible for the accuracy of any information provided.

ACPA Office
P.O. Box 21017
Edmonton, AB  T6R 2V4
Phone: 780-413-0004
Fax: 780-413-0076


ACPA, P.O. Box 21017, Edmonton, AB T6R 2V4 Canada



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