From:                              ACPA <>

Sent:                               December-20-16 4:34 PM


Subject:                          Alberta Chemist: News from the ACPA - Winter 2016



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         Chemistry you can trust.


 Alberta Chemist 

  The Newsletter of the ACPA 

   Issue 04-16

 Winter 2016





Home Energy Efficiency Tips


Saving energy in the home can help you keep costs down. In many cases, energy efficiency is the result of proper maintenance. Not only will your home be more energy efficient, but also less vulnerable to some hazards and insurance claims. Affinity partner @TD_Insurance offers tips to keep energy consumption in check:

Insurance App


Get step by step help filing an auto claim right from your phone with the mobile app from affinity partner @TD_Insurance 






Wishing you a safe and happy holiday!



Join our ACPA group on LinkedIn or like our Facebook page.      View our profile on LinkedIn   Like us on Facebook    

Stay informed! Stay in touch with your fellow chemists! 


Professional Development Credits

Have you filed your PDC credits? Are you keeping the correct documentation to support the credits you are claiming? 

Are your courses and on-going training relevant to the work you are doing? Maintaining your competency in your area of chemical practice is important.

Filing your PDC credits and paying your fees are part of renewing your membership at the beginning of every year. Membership cards will not be issued unless both are completed.

The new PDC form and suggestions for documentation can be found at


Professional Development Courses

The following courses are eligible for PDC credits:

ACPA Course on Greenhouse Gases. Tentatively scheduled for March 10, 2017 in Calgary. Details TBA.

AGAT Laboratories TECHtalks 2017
January 27, 2017, Fairmont Palliser, Calgary
February 3, 2017, Hotel Macdonald, Edmonton
View flyer here

Exova 2017 Annual Environmental Seminar
February 3, 2017, Fairmont Palliser, Calgary
View flyer here.

Registration Now Open

February 6-8, 2017

Edmonton Marriott @ River Cree Resort and Casino


ESAA is pleased to announce that registration for the Environment Business Professional Development courses (EB 2017), is now open. There is a limit of 25 registrations per course. Courses filled up quickly in 2015.


EB 2017 will feature 12 courses, including 4 new courses.


February 6 & 7, 2017 - Two Day Courses

·       Contaminant Hydrogeology

·       Introduction to Soil Science

·       An Introduction to Using Groundwater Models in Contaminated Site Assessment and Remediation Design


February 6, 2017 - One Day Courses

·       Risk-Based Guidelines for Contaminated Sites in Alberta

·       An Introduction to Environmental and Regulatory Law 2017


February 7, 2017 - One Day Courses

·       Upping Your Game in Contaminated Sites Work

·       Waste Classification and Disposal in Alberta


February 8, 2017 - One Day Courses

·       Fixing Bad Ground In-Situ - New

·       PFASs: Beyond the Fundamentals - New

·       Soil Chemistry for Remediating Salt-Affected Soils

·       The Transportation of Hazardous Waste in Western Canada - New

·       What Environmental Professionals Should Know about the Historical Resources Act - New


Complete courses descriptions and on-line registration available at:


Save the date - ACPA AGM 2017


The ACPA annual general meeting for 2017 is tentatively scheduled for May 6, 2017 in Calgary. More information to follow.


Have you registered for your Ethics Course?


Two new Ethics courses that will be offered in the beginning of 2017


Introducing Professional Liability Insurance for Chemists 

We are happy to introduce HUB International and our new liability insurance group package for Professional Chemists. An introduction letter and application form are available here  and on our website under member only benefits.

Professional Liability Insurance is highly recommended for all professional chemists. Ensure that you are protected against possible financial loss!


Member Benefits

The ACPA has been working hard to identify some new member benefits.

Have you tried our Park'N Fly parking code yet? One of our members recently saved $18 on one week parking.


Park'N Fly Airport Parking is pleased to extend its corporate discount program to ACPA members. Members can use the discount code (#828974) for both 

business and leisure travel. If you travel frequently, you can save even more by joining the Rewards Program.

Get Bonus Aeroplan Miles. Check for details.

Visit our website for more information. Sign in to your account and view under Member Only Benefits.


Job Postings

Job postings are listed in the Careers page on the ACPA website. Please check this web page regularly for new postings that may have tight application deadlines.


Job advertisements are posted on the ACPA website for a three-month period. A $100 fee is charged for this service, but this fee will be waived for advertisements submitted by ACPA members in good standing (Professional Chemists or Chemists-in-Training) on behalf of their organizations. Ads may be e-mailed directly to the ACPA office.


The content of this newsletter is provided only as an information service to members. Inclusion of any information does not represent official positions, opinions or support of the Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta (ACPA), or its Officers, Directors, or staff members. The information is collected from a variety of sources and is circulated to the membership as information only. The ACPA does not guarantee that all submissions will be circulated and is not responsible for the accuracy of any information provided.

ACPA Office
P.O. Box 21017
Edmonton, AB  T6R 2V4
Phone: 780-413-0004
Fax: 780-413-0076
E-mail: acpaoffice(AT)


ACPA, P.O. Box 21017, Edmonton, AB T6R 2V4 Canada



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